Fun Thanksgiving Crafts to Do with Picture Frames
One of the best things about the holidays is the gathering of
family. Different generations helping in the kitchen, while little ones run in
and out, never ceasing to stop even when the turkey almost flies off of the
counter.If you are looking for a way to keep those energetic hands
busy these holidays (and get a little peace for the cooking) look no further
than these fun seasonal crafts you can do in your own home. With a few art
supplies, some creativity and a little time with the kids,
20th Nov 2017
Decorating for Success in the Classroom
With the end of summer comes the beginning of the next
exciting season in your children’s lives - back-to-school time. Whether you are
a parent or an educator, you want the classroom the children attend this year
to be engaging, vibrant and original.Gone are the days of stuffy plastic globes and colorless
borders. Clever slogans, colorful decor and highlighting achievements are now
the best motivators in getting kids to learn. With these tips and tricks, you
can take the classroom from egg
5th Sep 2017
Exciting and Fresh Graduation Party Themes
Planning a special and personalized party for an event as
special as a graduation can be an overwhelming task. Streamline your ideas by
finding a theme for the graduation party. Here some new and fun ideas to celebrate
the end of high school or college with a theme the graduate will never forget.
Brunch- Graduation weekends can be a very busy time with the required
graduation ceremony, picture taking, and visiting with family and friends. A
backyard brunch would be a lovely time
22nd May 2017
Decorating Your Kids’ Rooms on a Budget
Make your kid’s house a fun and comforting place for them –
all without breaking the bank. After all, your child’s bedroom is a place where
your child can explore, imagine and enjoy. Here are some ideas you can try:Animal wallpaper
cutouts. Whimsical wallpaper can transform one wall into a playground. For
instance, you can work with different wallpaper designs and make cutouts of
animal shapes for a colorful paper zoo. You can actually go and search for
animal cutout templates off the Inte
6th Mar 2017
Decorating using Cathedral Picture Frames
Tired of the usual oval or rectangular frames? Why not try
something new? You can use differently shaped picture frames such as cathedral
picture frames? Cathedral picture frames are uniquely shaped frames that mimic
the shape of a cathedral window – with a flat end at the bottom and a
half-circle curve at the top. These also feature curved corners. This type of
picture frame is also called a single boiler frame.Cathedral frames usually features elaborate carving at the
curved end. There a
22nd Dec 2015