Make Kitchens Better with Mirrors
Mirrors in the kitchen? Yup, if you want to balk tradition and go for the unconventional, mirrors in the kitchen are actually a very good bet. Framed mirrors can be used to accessorize the kitchen without you spending the big bucks. Of course, placing mirrors in the kitchen is without its drawbacks. You have to deal with the oil and grease, but this can be easily managed with a rag and some soap.
Now, these are some of the ideas you can consider when incorporating framed mirrors in the kitchen:
- Mirrors on limited wall space. The smaller kitchens will have very limited wall space. Most of the walls will have shelves or wall cabinets. However, if you can squeeze in a narrow framed rectangular mirror, it can do wonders for the overall atmosphere of the kitchen.
- Add a window above the kitchen sink. Add a little brightness to an otherwise dull kitchen by adding a bit of mirror magic. If the space above your kitchen sink does not have a window, don’t attempt to hammer through the wall just yet. A framed rectangle mirror can give the illusion of a window above the window. This can actually work better if it is reflecting something interesting, such as an open shelf filled with your plate collection or a favorite kitchen poster.
- Install mirrors in the cabinet kitchen doors. Small kitchen space? Multiply that space by fitting the cupboard doors with mirrors. This pleasantly reflects the kitchen lighting so that the room feels more spacious and airy. You can either opt to get the top cabinet doors (above the sink) or the lower cabinet doors (below the sink). This is an easy DIY project, as you can glue on mirrored tiles on the cabinet doors.
- Mirrors as a kitchen backsplash. Rather than just putting a mirror above the kitchen sink, extend the concept and install mirrors as your backsplash, instead of tiles. This contemporary approach bounces more of the light back into the room. Of course, this will mean you have to do the occasional wipe down to get rid of any grease that will find its way to the mirrors, but mirrors clean up very easily. Also, make sure that what the mirrors reflect are pleasing to the eye, or you will just multiply any unsightly messes.
- Mirrors behind the stove. Another trick to bounce light back into the room is to place mirrors close to a light source – such as behind the stove. This prevents the back of your stovetop from looking too dim. It makes meal preparation easier because you can more easily see what you’re cooking. If you are concerned about the heat, hang the framed mirror so that the bottom edge is not more than one foot away from the base of the stovetop.
- Mirrors behind kitchen shelves and racks. Make finding that ingredient or that missing peppermill simpler. With a plain beveled mirror or a framed mirror placed flush on the wall behind your floating kitchen shelf or behind the rack for hanging cooking pans.
Some notes of adding mirrors in kitchens
- Do not overdo the placement of mirrors. As with a lot of things, too much of a good thing can’t be good. Too many reflections tend to be more disorienting that illuminating, especially for small spaces.
- Experiment with different shapes and styles. Add more personality to your kitchen by incorporating uniquely shaped mirrors, or mirrors that feature ornate woodcarvings. You can also add pops of color on the wall by having bright colored frames for your mirrors.
25th Jan 2017
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